Cllr Smith said:”It was heartening to see the Monkton community out in force against this possible development, but frustrating to see it raised yet again, despite its likely impact on locals’ safety, security and access to essential amenities and services.” Green councillors Abi Green, Tricia Austin and Mike Garner and friend
Tricia Austin commented “As Green Party Councillors, we’ve repeatedly advised Thanet District Council that the imposed house building targets are outdated, inaccurate and fail to address local needs for sustainable and truly affordable housing provision.
TDC’s Leader has stated that she will resist pressure from central government, but we’vebeen disappointed to see almost no action on this front to date.
Southern Water’s recent failure to supply reliable drinking water to homes and businesses in the district prompted us to ask TDC to request information from SW to inform future planning
applications, but Cabinet refused our proposal that could have given us better-informed, more
responsible and ‘joined up’ planning decision-making.
We must protect Thanet’s Grade 1 agricultural land and the wellbeing of our communities, before both disappear under rows of uniformly unsustainable new houses, many of which will become second homes or AirBNBs rather than providing much-needed housing for local families.”
Green councillor for Thant Villages Abi Green