Less than a week to go – Vote Green on 5th July!


“We are picking up votes from across the political spectrum.”

This morning Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer told the BBC’s Today programme that “The responses we’ve been having on the doorstep have been fantastic… Across the country people are coming to us from a variety of demographics and voting patterns…, We’re picking up votes from across the political spectrum.” Listen to the interview, after 9am, in full (from around 45 mins in) here

“The Green Party is coming of age”

In another interview with the i she said,

“We think the Green Party is coming of age now and that has clearly been demonstrated in our results in the last few local elections. We, over the last five local elections, have increased our number of councillors nearly fivefold and so we think that our target of now quadrupling our representation of the House of Commons is in proportion to that and is achievable.” 

Vote hope vote change vote green

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