Steve Roberts Green Party candidate for East Thanet

Meet our Candidate.

Steve Roberts lives in Broadstairs where he is a town councillor.  He began his career as a nurse and now works as a trainer in social care.

why you should vote for steve

“I’m Steve. I’ve lived in Broadstairs for over 9 years. I love Thanet, the beaches, the character and resilience of the community.  It’s a wonderful place but has many challenges. As your MP I’d work hard to address those and fight for what matters to Thanet and the country.

As a longstanding health and social care professional, I’m passionate about rebuilding an NHS free at point of delivery, defending it from creeping privatisation and joining it up properly with social care. The Green Party has just released its policy on the NHS and it’s transformational.

The Green Party believes should be public services in public hands – so I’d work to bring privatised companies back into public ownership, so profits can go into infrastructure and better services and not into shareholders’ pockets. This would stop water companies dumping sewage in our seas and only the Greens have the courage to commit to this.

I’d push for affordable, secure and comfortable homes for everyone – and it’s Green Party policy to insulate all new builds and retrofit insulation to older homes so we can keep bills down and reduce carbon emissions.

Fourteen years of Tory austerity have left this country in a parlous state, everything is in disrepair from health to education to the potholes in the roads. Greens oppose austerity as it only creates a declining spiral. We believe we must invest to thrive. We’d make corporations pay their fair share of tax, levy a 1% wealth tax on billionaires and tax unearned income from assets at the same rate as income tax.

Now isn’t the time for compromise. For real hope and real change vote Green.”


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