Time to have your say! Minster marshes National Grid converter station plan: Consultation dates announced

Minster Marshes Public Consultation – Have your say

Isle of Thanet News reports that the dates for a statutory public consultation over National Grid plans to build a 60,000 square metre (6 hectares) onshore converter station at Minster marshes in the Stour Valley have now been released.  So it’s time for us, the public, to have our say on the scheme.

The Sea Link project involves creating a subsea electricity cable between Suffolk and Kent which National Grid says will help deliver the UK’s energy security strategy and net zero targets.

But, as we noted in our previous post the plan has already drawn fervent reactions and criticism from environmentalists and Sir Roger Gale MP.

Nik Mitchell, of Wildlife Conservation in Thanet, said “We are all well aware that our grid needs significant upgrades and will help us get to carbon neutral but what they want to build and where they want to build it would lead to a big loss and have a big impact on our environment.” For more details of opposition to the scheme see below.



National Grid’s preferred route runs from a landfall in Pegwell Bay to a proposed converter station site and high voltage pylons over the land to the south of Minster.

The converter station will be 26 metres high and have external equipment such as lightning protection and walkways. A new substation would be built adjacent to it with overhead lines connected to the existing Richborough to Canterbury line.

Consultation starts today

Statutory consultation opens today (October 24) and runs until December 18.

There will be in-person events, people can book a video or phone appointment, maps and information will be on the website at nationalgrid.com/sealink, there will be webinars and people can fill in feedback forms both on paper and on line. The paper version in the form of a National Grid Community Newsletter is already being delivered.

Adrian Pierssene, Project Director for Sea Link, said: “This reinforcement between Suffolk and Kent is essential in the UK’s journey to net zero by 2050 and is part of a wider programme to upgrade the entire network. We look forward to hearing views from members of the public and we welcome feedback on our proposals.”


In person events in Thanet will be:

Wednesday 15 November, 2.30pm-7.30pm at Cliffsend village hall, 55 Foads Lane

Thursday 16 November, noon until 5.30pm at Minster village hall, 1 High Street

Friday 17 November, 10am to 3pm at Guildhall, Cattle Market, Sandwich

Wednesday 29 November, 2pm-7pm at Cliffsend village hall

Saturday 2 December, 11am to 3pm at Royal Harbour Academy (upper site) Marlowe Way, Ramsgate

Plus in-person ‘ask the experts’ session at Royal Harbour Academy on December 1, 5pm-8.30pm.

Webinars for the Kent part of the scheme

Thursday 26 October, 6pm-7pm

Wednesday 1 November, 2pm-3pm

Sign up for webinars on the National Grid website


Documents available at:

Minster Library (4a Monkton Rd, Minster, Ramsgate CT12 4EA)

Monday 1pm-5pm, Tuesday and Sunday 9:30am-1:30pm, Thursday 12pm-5pm, Friday 10am-4pm

Sandwich Library (13 Market St, Sandwich CT13 9DA)

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am-5pm, Saturday 9:30am-3pm

Ramsgate Library (Guildford Lawn, Ramsgate CT11 9AY)

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30am-5:30pm, Thursday 9:30am-4:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-3:30pm

Newington Library (Royal Harbour Academy, Stirling Way, Ramsgate CT12 6FA)

Monday and Thursday 9am-1pm and 2pm-5:30pm, Tuesday and Saturday 9am-1pm

Margate Library (Cecil Street, Margate, CT9 1RE)

Monday, Thursday and Friday 10am-5:30pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am-3:30pm

Thanet District Council (Cecil Street, Margate CT9 1AY)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8:45am-5pm


The Sea Link project needs to obtain a development consent order (DCO) via an application to the Planning Inspectorate.

The Secretary of State is expected to make a decision in 2025 with construction then taking place, if granted, between 2026 and 2030.

Save the Marshes


A local meeting organised by Thanet Greens will discuss the proposals on Monday 30th October at Radford House, Effingham Street, Ramsgate, from 7.30pm.

A campaign page Save Minster Marshes has been set up by George Cooper on facebook for those who want to fight the proposals.

Find Save Minster Marshes here

Find the National Grid plans on its website here and on the Planning Inspectorate site here

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