Tricia Austin, Green councillor. A week in the life.

One Week As A Green Councillor

Monday 29th May

Another Bank Holiday – which sadly means catching up on the spending returns from Thanet Green Party’s local election campaign, due in later this week.

As Green Party Election Agent, I’m responsible for tracking what we spent on leaflets, posters, rosettes etc, and reporting this accurately for each of our 28 candidates – and if I don’t, I can go to jail, which concentrates the mind!

It’s quite a task – but we’re nearly there now…

Tuesday 30th May

More election returns work, and proofreading articles for Ramsgate Town Council’s Ad Magazine, a useful little publication that’s now delivered to every house in Ramsgate. And some time on Council casework, trying to help with housing problems, inconsiderate parking, litter and road safety – all issues that regularly appear in every Councillor’s inbox.

At 7pm, the first meeting of TDC’s new Overview & Scrutiny Panel. We’re there to look closely at Cabinet decisions (‘Scrutiny’) but also consider major issues of concern in the District (‘Overview’). I suggest three big topics for our workplan for the next 4 years ( the cost of living crisis, health & wellbeing and how we manage negative impacts of tourism). I also ask for updates at every meeting on our vitally important externally funded regeneration programmes.

Shelter painting

Wednesday 31st May

A chance to get out in the fresh air – and it certainly is fresh! – on the East cliff in Ramsgate, helping paint our beautiful seafront shelters with other volunteers from across Thanet. We have so many great voluntary groups helping care for our assets and environment, and as local authority funding cuts bite ever harder, I’ve no idea what we’d do without their hard work! Huge thanks to everyone who helps.

In the evening, a Ramsgate Town Council meeting to ratify policies and consider funding applications from community groups. So many great causes, so little money to divide between them: there are hard decisions to make, and they’re going to get harder…

Thursday 1st June

Hurrah! The election spending returns are in – a weight off my mind!

More casework, including finding out where to get help with an unfair trading issue. And in the evening, the Sea Cadets’ formal Navy inspection: a chance to support one of the groups doing excellent work with young people locally, helping them build skills for life and work – and have fun in the process!

Friday 2nd June

A rare day off – a walk and a pub lunch with my other half.

Saturday 3rd June

Out bright & early as usual to buy fish from Cannons on Ramsgate Harbour and bread & other goodies from The Modern Boulangerie. Then half an hour on the picket line at Ramsgate Station with ASLEF colleagues.

Until the recent local election campaign, we were regulars on picket lines in support of campaigns for decent wages and proper terms & conditions. I’m very proud that the Green Party has supported these workers’ struggles and wish them every success.

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