Greens launch campaign for the ’23 elections


Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsey kicked off the 2023 local election campaign talking about the way Greens are winning council seats from both Labour and the Tories.

“When people have a Green councillor; see that they are hard working; see that they listen to local concerns; that they are fighting for fairer greener communities, then people tend to vote Green in bigger numbers”, he said.

Thanet Greens field 28 candidates

Here in Thanet the Green Party is fielding a full slate – that means we are fighting every ward – of 28 candidates for the vote on May 4th.  Go to the Elections 2023 page on the website to meet them all and see who is standing in your area.

During this morning’s Green election campaign launch Adrian Ramsey focused on key Green policies like returning the water companies to public ownership.  It is an issue that particular resonance in Thanet and we are the only party promising to do it.

Green election campaign focuses on housing

Adrian also spoke about our plans for a Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter (Twitter) to tackle the housing crisis and ensure green spaces are protected. See our full press release here.

He said Greens are calling for affordable homes on brownfield sites with investment in services, to a high environmental standard to keep bills down.

“Developers are being allowed to ride roughshod over the needs of communities and the environment and this has got to stop.”

Carla Denyer speaks out on climate change

In her launch speech co-leader Carla Denyer spoke out about councils failing to be ambitious enough in their approach to the energy and climate crisis.

“In a lot of councils we see consultants being commissioned, plans and strategies being published, but not much in the way of firm action to reduce carbon emissions now. I would say to council leaders across this region and across the country that, in many cases, we know what needs to happen. We know that we need to insulate people’s homes to not only bring down their carbon emissions, but also their bills, and give them warmer and more comfortable homes.”

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