Green Councillors spring into spring!

Your Green Councillors have been busy in recent weeks supporting community activities in their own wards and across Thanet. These have included:

Tree planting at Jackey Bakers Field

Thanet District Council organised this well-attended tree planting session on Wednesday 16 March, where Green Councillor Tricia Austin worked with fellow Councillors Helen Whitehead and Pat Moore to plant several trees with help from experts from Trees for Cities.

Two women leaning on spades with other volunteers digging behind them Pat Moore and Tricia Austin with a freshly planted tree

Great Ramsgate Spring Clean

This massive community effort saw local groups organise 22 litter picks over 17 days between 25 March and 10 April as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s annual Big Spring Clean.

Between them, the groups collected an astonishing 282 bags of litter and recyclables. Green Councillor Tricia Austin chairs Ramsgate Litter Forum, which co-ordinates the Spring Clean, and she, Councillor Becky Wing and other Green Party members were amongst those taking part.

Tricia said: “We were delighted with the response from our wonderful community, and particularly pleased to welcome new groups helping this year.”

A large group of volunteers in high viz omn a gree, holding rubbish bags and waving their litter picks in the air Councillor Tricia Austin joining a litter pick on behalf of Ramsgate Town Team

Westgate and Garlinge Action Group (WGAG) Rally

On Sunday 10 April Councillors Garner, Smith and Austin joined this rally, organised by the WGAG group to highlight the loss of Grade 1 agricultural land to development. Green Councillors continue to challenge the numbers of houses allocated in the Local Plan and to insist that we explore brownfield site options for housing before irrevocably destroying our farmland.

Group of demonstrators in a field with signs that say farmland for food not houses Councillors Garner, Smith and Austin joining WGAG demonstrators

Mayor of Ramsgate’s Community Meal

Green Councillor Becky Wing supported Mayor of Ramsgate Councillor Raushan Ara in running this community event on Tuesday 12 April to mark Easter and Ramadan.

Over 80 people enjoyed delicious curries from the Ramsgate Tandoori, impressive puddings and chocolate treats. Councillor Ara writes: “A huge thank you to Councillor Becky Wing for her help in collecting, delivering and serving food!”

Group pf two men and two women standing in a large room surrounded by tables at which people are sitting waiting for a meal Councillor Becky Wing (centre left) with Ramsgate Mayor Raushan Ara (centre right)
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