Thanet Greens join Granville Theatre protest

Green Councillor Tricia Austin joining the Granville Theatre protest on 15 March 2022 Green Councillor Tricia Austin joining the Granville Theatre protest on 15 March 2022. Photo by Steve Collis, Isle of Thanet News, used with permission.

The Thanet community was out in force at the Granville Theatre, Ramsgate, on Tuesday 15 March,  when residents gathered to protest at the apparent decision by Thanet District Council not to proceed with the proposed Community Asset Transfer of the building to Kent Film Foundation. Over 1000 people, from young children to elderly residents, joined the demonstration, in which participants surrounded the building, and heard speeches from Mr Ramsgate Ralph Hoult, KFF’s Jan Dunn and event organiser Olivia Squier. Read full details of the protest in the Isle of Thanet News.

Many Green Party members and supporters were at the event to show their concerns, including Ramsgate Green Councillors Becky Wing and Tricia Austin. Tricia said: “We are puzzled by this apparent decision which seems to us to cut across TDC’s Ramsgate Future plan which highlights the Granville as a key attraction in the regeneration of the East cliff area of the town. We have been working with colleagues from Eastcliff ward and others on the Town and District Councils to try to find a way through the confusion, establish what has happened and encourage a rethink.”

Thanet Greens can’t understand this situation, as Cllr Pugh made it clear in July 2021 that TDC would actively support community bids.

Becky added: “Our process for Asset Transfers seems to be confused and confusing, and residents are already aware of many sites in Ramsgate, from the old WestCliff Hall to the Western Undercliff CafĂ©, that have been sold and left to rot. We are hoping that, besides saving the Granville for the community, out of this we can establish a better process for Asset Transfers in future to maintain our fabulous assets for the benefit of the community.”

Over 5,000 people have signed a petition asking Thanet District Council to rethink their decisionplease sign it too!

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