Abi Smith – our new Green Councillor for Thanet Villages

Our wonderful candidate Abi Smith was elected to be the new Green district councillor for the Thanet Villages in the by-election on 11 November.

Abi took 60% of the poll with 638 votes.

Conservative candidate Guy Wilson polled 358 votes (34%) and Lib Dem Jeremy De Rose took 67 votes (6%).

Thanet Green Party leader Mike Garner said: “This is a great win for us and comes as a result of the time Abi and the team spent getting around the villages meeting and listening to as many people as possible.

“There’s a real Green momentum growing in Thanet as people see we’re serious about tackling the issues people are most worried about and, with Abi joining us, we’ll continue to highlight concerns where they exist and work with others to resolve them.”

We thank everyone who helped make this happen by supporting us and turning out to vote for Abi.

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