Free online event, 7 October: building an effective relationship with your MP

During a recent Biofuelwatch presentation with presenters live from Latvia, North Carolina and British Columbia they all made clear how the UK’s appetite for biomass combustion for electricity, is destroying global primary forests.

Drax is the world’s largest consumer of forests as wood pellets. In April this year it bought Pinnacle, the largest forest destroyer in British Columbia, on the back of tax breaks there and subsidies here. The industrial scale destruction of forests there, is rapidly accelerating from 164 acres a day. The incentives to clear those forests before they are stopped, or competitors from such as Japan do the same, are massive. The financial gains are huge so politicians at the highest level are easily bought and the establishment quickly and thoroughly squashes protest of those most directly affected.

The Discovery Park incinerator is just a small part of the global destruction of what we need most, trees!

The organisation Hope For the Future suggest this as a way forward:

Relationship-based Climate Advocacy: Pathways to Effective MP Engagement – a free online event on Thursday 7 October, 13:00-14:30
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