Local elections results – thank you for voting Green!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped with Thanet Green Party’s election campaign. Whether you put up a poster or banner, delivered leaflets, posted on Facebook, retweeted our messages, stood at a polling station, came to the count, or most importantly VOTED FOR US on the day, thank you all!

We didn’t achieve everything we’d hoped for, and we’re sorry after working so hard that we just missed being elected to KCC.

But we have another Green seat on TDC to work for change, and another on RTC to help embed Green thinking in Ramsgate town politics. And we’ve clearly established ourselves as a force to be reckoned with in Thanet politics.

Our candidates’ percentage of the vote varied widely between 7% and 41%, but on the KCC elections we averaged 19% of the vote – very close to Labour’s 25%, and a substantial improvement on our 4% four years ago!  This was in the context of a swing towards the Conservatives across the country, but huge and very encouraging increases for the Greens both nationally and regionally (with 4 seats in Kent against our previous 1, for example, and 99 new seats in Councils from Bristol to Stockport.)

This gives us a great platform to build on, both in Thanet and further afield. Many thanks to everyone who helped in achieving this.

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