Our top priorities for Kent County Council

Red icons on green background and text: Vote Green for a bright future: improved health, safer neighbourhoods, cleaner travel, greener spaces, equality in education, action on austerity

You’ve been asking us what our top priorities are for KCC if our candidates get elected, so we’ve put together this handy summary guide:

The basics: clean streets and green spaces

We’ll push for KCC and TDC to work better together to save money and provide clean streets, clear drains, better recycling and safe, pesticide-free green spaces.

Jobs and training: a Green recovery

We’ll urge KCC to promote investment in Thanet for decent,  sustainable jobs and training for young people and adults, including retraining for those facing redundancy.

Health, care and public services

With better health & social care links and common-sense plans to boost fitness and wellbeing, we’ll work for good, reliable, cost-effective services and fight austerity.

Safer neighbourhoods

We’ll listen and act on residents’ concerns, from knife crime to road safety, to make all our local areas safer and pleasanter to live in.

Schools and libraries

Learning changes lives. We’ll stand up for local schools & libraries, defending them against cuts & helping them go on inspiring learning!


We’ll push KCC to extend its Healthy (traffic-free) Neighbourhoods in Thanet, work for better bus services and cycling facilities, 20mph zones and more electric vehicle charge points.

But most importantly:

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