Help us get more Green Councillors elected in Thanet

In 2019 the first 3 Councillors elected as Greens joined Thanet District Council, and they’ve achieved a lot. This year we have 7 candidates standing for election for Kent County Council, two for by-elections for Thanet District Council and one for Ramsgate Town Council. Just think what a difference they could make!

Because of lockdown, we can’t get out and about chatting to people as we normally would – and we can’t rely on the regular media coverage that larger parties get. So we need to raise funds for literature, banners and social media boosts to get our message out to voters! 

Please donate to our Crowdfunder and help us get more Greens elected in Thanet.

As a thank you for your donations, we’re offering a rage of rewards, from a packet of sunflower seeds to a litter pick in an area of your choice in Thanet!

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