Thanet Green Party and health

By Tricia Austin, Thanet District Council and Ramsgate Town Council candidate for Ramsgate Central Harbour in the May elections

7 April is #WorldHealthDay.

The World Health Organisation’s theme for this year’s World Health Day is eliminating health inequalities around the world – something very much in our minds as we consider the inequalities highlighted and heightened by Covid 19. The WHO wants to bring people together to build a fairer, healthier world – something we in the Green Party fully endorse.

Closer to home, preserving and improving our physical and mental health is one of the themes of our campaign for the KCC elections.

Amongst other things, Green KCC and TDC Councillors will:

  • work for positive health improvement across Thanet & Kent eg via better health/social services co-ordination, exercise on prescription, improved access to green spaces, pedestrian- & cycling-friendly towns & better mental health support;
  • push for major retrofitting schemes with District Councils to ensure all families have warm homes through the winter months;
  • push for regular, reliable financial support for food banks, social supermarkets and Our Kitchen, and work actively to reduce the need for emergency food help in the medium term;
  • continue to support our heroic NHS staff personally through initiatives like our #snackbags and #wellbeingpacks;
  • preserve vital services and fight austerity.
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