Snack bags for NHS heroes

Thanet Green Party press release, 4 January 2021

Thanet Green Party Councillors and volunteers have collaborated with Our Kitchen in Ramsgate to bring snack bags to hard-pressed NHS staff working on the front line at Margate’s QEQM hospital.

A source at East Kent Hospital University Foundation Trust tells us:

“This second wave has hit local hospitals incredibly hard, with more than double the number of patients seriously ill in hospital than during the first wave. With staff off sick or isolating, and with the need to protect vulnerable staff, those working on the wards are struggling to find time to take meal breaks.”

Thanet Green Party Chair and TDC Councillor Mike Garner says:

“As a party working closely with our communities, we see the hardship this pandemic is bringing to the people of Thanet. Anxiety levels are high. We need to believe that our over-stretched hospitals will be there for us if we need them. In turn, we want to do our best to look after them. In providing nutritious snacks we hope we can make a difference for the NHS staff on whom we depend.”

The Green Party and community volunteers hope to be able to start distributing the bags this week.

Green Councillor Trevor Roper says: “Please donate to help us keep going with this vital project; the more money we receive, the more we can help!”

Please donate to our Thanet Greens for NHS Heroes crowdfunder on Just Giving.

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