Concerns about TDC’s plans at Ramsgate Port

More than 40 objections have been lodged over plans for a ‘300%’ larger replacement aggregate berth at Ramsgate Port, including by local Green Councillor Becky Wing.

TDC are planning to to replace the berth used by the Bretts aggregate & cement batching facility with a much larger facility – 3 times the size of the current one, and a new conveyor capable of processing 750% more material, all paid for by council taxpayers!

We are particularly worried about the environmental implications of the expansion for the Pegwell Bay SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). TDC has applied to the Marine Management Organisation for a licence for this work, and the MMO are inviting public responses to this. The closing date is Tuesday 20th October. If you want to express your own concerns, you can see the application and respond on the portal by clicking Public Representation on the list and then Submit Representation on the next page.

Read the full story, including Becky Wing’s statement, in the Isle of Thanet News.

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